Identifying Spring Flowers
This idea came to me from my daughter. While participating in the rainbow hunt last week she made the observation that we had photographed mainly flowers. Then she started asking the names, some we knew, some we didn’t. So she suggested that this week learn their na ...
Naturally Dyed Dandelion Playdough
Who doesn’t love playdough?! It is great for building those fine motor skills, fun to make and fun to play with. So let’s make some play dough that is died with natural ingredients — dandelions! Naturally Dyed Dandelion Playdough This recipe comes from Pa ...
Sensory Nature Cutting Tray
This idea came from Kids Craft Room. They have loads of fabulous ideas so are worth checking out. It is really simple and is aimed at the younger of our Forest School friends. Sensory Nature Cutting Tray You will need: a variety of natural objects that are different text ...
Leaf Printing
Remember all those leaves you picked to make rubbings? Do you still have them? Yes? Great, because we are going to use them again today. This time we are going to paint them and print then on paper. Leaf Printing You will need: leaves paint paper paintbrushes Gat ...
Rainbow Hunting
Today’s idea was inspired by my daughter and her love of rainbows. She is obsessed. She was pointing out colours of things and mentioning how satisfying it is when she can find rainbows in her environment and I thought, “I bet she is not the only child who find ...