Foraging for Dandelion
If you have a garden that has started to grow like mad and your lawn and flower beds are popping with yellow blossoms that you didn’t plant, this activity may be just what you need. Today we are going to head back outside to look for wild food. So many of you loved th ...
Leaf and Bark Rubbing
Today’s activity gives you a purpose for your walk but also something to do with all of those leaves you collected yesterday. So, get your supplies together and head out to start exploring the world outside your front door… Leaf and Bark Rubbing You will need: ...
Tree Identification
Now that spring is well and truly here and we have had weeks of sunshine, most of the trees are starting to leaf. You can head out as see what is growing on your walk today. Pick one leaf off as many different trees as you can spot along your walk and take them home to iden ...
Ring Toss!
This is a great activity as it will give purpose to a walk, teach your child a knot that is useful in all manner of situations, make a game and then have a game to add to their list of things to play to occupy themselves while Mummy and Daddy try to get some work done! Ring ...
A Bluebell Walk
The bluebell woods of England are in my top ten beautiful things about this country. I love the smell that envelopes you as you walk down a bluebell lined path. It also feel so otherworldly to look out at a landscape blanketed in vivid blue-violet that just a few days prev ...