Wind Streamers

Wind Streamers

This idea came to us from Chloe. Chloe leads the most amazing birthday parties for us. They are full of wonder and beauty. No small detail is overlooked. She loves combining her love of craft and her love of Forest School. That is what this next activity is.

Wind Streamers

You will need:

  • the perfect stick
  • ribbon
  • scissors

When you head out for your walk be on the lookout for the perfect stick.  It needs to feel great in your hand, be the right length, the right thickness and have the right ‘look’. Once you are totally satisfied with your stick bring it back home and turn it into a wind streamer. Choose your ribbon colours and cut the ribbon to the length you want your streamers to be. Tie on lengths of ribbon to one end. That is it!

Now holding the other end wave it through the air. Take it into your garden and hold it into the air. Is the wind moving it? Maybe you can take it with you on your walks to create patterns as you walk? Maybe you can choreograph a dance using your wind streamer? Or a gymnastics routine like the rhythm gymnasts do? Maybe yours is a magic wand? Or maybe it is just a pretty stick that you designed. Whatever it is, we would love to see it or to see you making it. Do keep us in the loop on Facebooktwitter and/or instagram.

Happy streaming!



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