Miniature Gardens

This idea was brought to us by our lovely Admin Fairy, Chloe. She is a treasure to Tree House Learning, as I am sure any of you that have had communication with her will know. I am grateful everyday for Chloe. She has had to take early maternity leave due to our closure and I am grateful that she has done so with grace. Thank you Chloe, for everything.

Container Miniature Garden

Chloe’s idea is to take your child for a walk in a natural setting or send them out into your back garden to collect small treasures and fill a tray with soil. With your treasures in hand, or bag, head back home. (Please try to take only what you will use and remember when you are picking to leave at least 3/4 of the plant in place in order to ensure its survival.)

Arrange your treasures on the tray to create a miniature garden.

Who will your garden be for? Fairies? Dinosaurs? Farm animals?

Will you include fairy furniture?

Does your garden have a watering hole for miniature friends?

Maybe you could plant a few seeds and set your tray in a sunny spot to watch them grow? If so don’t forget to water them.

Will you collect sticks and create some colourful bunting with paper and string?

Or use them to make playground equipment for fairies? Or tiny fences?

Maybe you have some air drying clay or plasticine at home that you can use to model fairy pots, pans and food or dinosaurs, pigs and sheep?

Did you find an acorn cap? Maybe that is a hat for a fairy or a food bowl for a horse?

Maybe your fairies have been doing laundry and you can make a clothes line for them with twigs and string? You could even cut out some clothes using fabric, felt or paper.

The possibilities are truly endless.  You could even change your garden regularly depending on your mood.

I have included some photos below for inspiration.

Enjoy bringing some nature inside and please do share photos of your miniature gardens.  We can not wait to see what you all create!

All the best,







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2 Responses to “Miniature Gardens”

  1. Pingback: Miniature Gardens – Sutton Home Education Forum

  2. Pingback: Fairy Furniture - Tree House Learning

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