Giant Noughts and Crosses

This activity comes from Pascale.  As Pascale has Montessori training she has chosen an activity that is entirely child led.  You can offer them the idea and see if it peaks their interest.  If it does, great!  Let them organise it all and possibly join them for a game when it is constructed.  It can be played inside or out and can be made with natural materials or using anything you can find around the house.  Half the fun is having your children hunting for items and creating the game.  Once it is constructed it is, of course, also fun to play the game.  Thank you Pascale!

Giant Noughts and Crosses

For this activity you will need:

  1. 4 long sticks (pieces of string or similar can be used too)
  2. two sets of tokens 6 in each set (this can be as elaborate as finding stones and painting them with noughts and using a square lashing to create stick crosses or sawing disks of wood and painting or drawing on them or as simple as gathering six stuffed toys and six wooden blocks.  You can really make it your own.)

Simply lay two sticks parallel on the ground next to each other leaving a gap in between and then lay the other two sticks across them perpendicular so that you have a noughts and crosses ‘board.’

Now simply play using your set of tokens.

I hope you enjoy your game!

Please do share pictures with us on Facebooktwitter and/or instagram.

Thank you!

All the best,



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